Waking up at middle of the night,
I am unable to sleep.
I can't stop thinking,
What ever we do, we may end up with [Regret].
My past [Story], doesn't interesting at all,
[Life] is hard and the meantime is easy.
[Weakness] only available in human,
Even single cell life style is better than us !
The bless of angel and the curse of devil,
doesn't make any differences in our world.
Human just wanted the best for themselves.
[Strong]? We just try to look tough infront of other~
From the beginning,
we live being compared to other,
we do good but someone do better,
and they look up on the better ones.
yet I will still try to smile.
When you speak about your dream,
other people keep saying: "馬鹿馬鹿しい"
or they keep saying: "Someone has or will done that thing"
This law apply to current world.
We live being compare.
But if in this world only consist of 2 people,
by comparing you and me,
my bad day reflect on you,
to show you that your day is better;
and you can live in happiness.
By doing so,
we can still wish each other happiness!
Out of million of encounter,
how can people we meet understand each other?
They try to tell each other their feeling,
but war break out.
It's so sad....
Waking up at night,
I feel like waking up to our cruel reality.
Will it ever change?
I have to find the answer by keep walking !!!
For anyone that do not know japanese,
馬鹿馬鹿しい pronouce as [baka baka-shi], generally use as an adjective,
means "That's stupid, really stupid"
[先手必勝] pronouce as Sente Hisshou,
means [The First ones get all the good thing]
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