Friday, June 1, 2012
My FRIEND !! Let's DREAM again~
Ahh... the dream we have together~
Until now, do you forgot or still remember it?
Nice to meet you, even we both are idiot chasing the dream~
And we meet again now...
Now, its all FUNNY DAYS~
To BEAT the FUTURE, then TAKE OVER, that's why we DREAM ON !!
The wind can be PROVE !!
Let START again now,
but use our POWER with FULL FORCE~
for making the ME now~
Even life is hard like a ROLLING STONE,
Don't even try to stop and keep ROLLING !!
Because someday we will reach our DESTINATION.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
TIME of Thought

It's has been long forgotten...
What is important in the real yet vivid world.
People strive hard to archive their goal,
only to know that their goal is not the thing everyone wants.
Machine soar the sky and tainted the earth,
and we human still proud and saying that is [Advancement]
Always keep in mind that throughout history,
when a civilization on its peak,
only destruction await;
so that a new civilization can be born.
As said: For a new civilization to emerge, another must crumble.
TIME scarified himself so that PRESENT can move to FUTURE.
but human tent to forgot the sacrificed made by TIME,
they tent to forgot the PAST or HISTORY.
Which is their guidance in current TIME(PRESENT).
To BELIEVE in something and to KNOW something is different.
You cannot believe and know at the same time.
Example when you switch on the light,
you KNOW that it will be bright, not that you BELIEVE.
To believe is something uncertain, but you certain that it will happen.
GOD does not exist, this is what I feel.
I do not believe in GOD will help us.
Religions only help us to believe in something good,
and cling to it as it is our spiritual support.
NOT to blindly FOLLOW it and keep saying you believe.
I came to conclusion when I was small,
I keep praying to GOD for something to happen,
as I am to weak and insignificant to make anything happen.
But my prayers have not been answered.
That is when the time I stop believing in GOD.
I started to find, for what I have to cling to live.
I finally find something to BELIEVE !!
I believe in my DREAM !!
A simple but motivated dream !!
I believe in myself !!
I'll work hard, step by step, walking toward my dream.
even there is hardship, even the dream seem too far,
From time to time I still looked back,
Asking the GOD I used to believe.
Have you forgotten this little wish of mine?
can't you just grant just this one small wish?
Just for me or more people to feel better.
But what I hear is only silent of the night......
[P/S: Our current world, my thought, Inspiration from Geraint story]
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Waking up to REALITY !! But still BELIEVING !! Still Walking !!

Waking up at middle of the night,
I am unable to sleep.
I can't stop thinking,
What ever we do, we may end up with [Regret].
My past [Story], doesn't interesting at all,
[Life] is hard and the meantime is easy.
[Weakness] only available in human,
Even single cell life style is better than us !
The bless of angel and the curse of devil,
doesn't make any differences in our world.
Human just wanted the best for themselves.
[Strong]? We just try to look tough infront of other~
From the beginning,
we live being compared to other,
we do good but someone do better,
and they look up on the better ones.
yet I will still try to smile.
When you speak about your dream,
other people keep saying: "馬鹿馬鹿しい"
or they keep saying: "Someone has or will done that thing"
This law apply to current world.
We live being compare.
But if in this world only consist of 2 people,
by comparing you and me,
my bad day reflect on you,
to show you that your day is better;
and you can live in happiness.
By doing so,
we can still wish each other happiness!
Out of million of encounter,
how can people we meet understand each other?
They try to tell each other their feeling,
but war break out.
It's so sad....
Waking up at night,
I feel like waking up to our cruel reality.
Will it ever change?
I have to find the answer by keep walking !!!
For anyone that do not know japanese,
馬鹿馬鹿しい pronouce as [baka baka-shi], generally use as an adjective,
means "That's stupid, really stupid"
[先手必勝] pronouce as Sente Hisshou,
means [The First ones get all the good thing]
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Walking Towards Horizon

The horizon I wanted to see is so far from me,
I only can draw out now the sky I wanted to view,
But doesn't know when can i going to see it~
Looking at the sky,
is not the sky i always draw'ed or wanted
It's so hard to breath and i can't even see any light.
Everything around me look like enemy,
even the light from the sun shine painfully toward my eye
I feel that i can't breath right,
it feel so pain inside my heart
it feel like i was in the depth of the sea
and have no idea how to float to the surface.
The rain falling down like it try to comfort me,
Star on the sky shine like they talking to me
THEY(the star) keep telling me:
STAR will always be STAR and ME is still ME,
stop putting my hope on them.
I always been thinking,
even a small existence as myself,
can't I have a small wish that come true?
A wish upon the star?
A wish to change the thing around me now,
a wish to make me step closer to my own existence.
I know life is just a simple thing,
they will fade away and be forgotten someday.
But isn't walking our life, trying to be strong,
is the way of life? A way to tell that we still living?
Destination is still far away,
and it look like I am just begin my step,
but as long as I keep walking,
I sure I can feel the warm of light at the end~
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Feel the Beats !!!

Everyone ! Where are you going?
Stop awhile and enjoy the beats !!
The music is beating !
our heart is beating !
our life is beating !
our soul is beating !
our dream is beating !
Oh yeah, can u hear my shouting voice?
oh yeah, can u hear the chirping of bird?
oh yeah, can you hear the wish in my heart?
oh yeah, oh yeah~
I just have a simple wish and hope,
Dear God,
please gather all the light and shine upon me that have to face tomorrow.
The sun and moon repeatly look over us,
always telling us did we forgot something?
Always remember our dream,
and thirst for it until we can see it coming !
even we not yet achieve it,
we will still able to smile by doing so~
Combine [time], [place] and [people],
working hard adding bit by bit toward our dream,
Slowly, but surely, we're walking our way !!
Hang in there and keep walking !!
Even someone cast a forgotten magic upon me,
my heart will still able to hold on that feeling,
the feeling of me chasing my dream,
and the feeling of all the light calling upon me to fullfil my dream !
"あなたが自分の夢 [Anata ga jibun no yume
この手の中" Kono te no naka]
(Your own dream,
It's in your hand !)
Grab and fullfill it !!!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Forgotten Dream~

What are we doing right now?
Do we understand what we doing right now?
Do we remember our childhood dream right now?
Do you know we are here right now?
And our dream is still inside us right now.
And do you know we can still chase after miracle?
Take a stop or a step behind,
start to think since when we started to stop believing in miracle.
We all have dream to believe when we were young,
but now we all stop believing.
Is to cope with society?
Or to fullfill our parents expectation?
You know the closer we get to that something,
the tougher we to reach it.
Never take things for granted !!
That what I learn while persuit-ing my dream.
So many question inside my head start asking.
But I don't have any answer for all of them.
I cry out load asking the dark night sky for answer,
but what I get is just a chill of cold and emptiness.
With heart and courage I pressed on,
cling to something that I know,
world is always survival of the fittest,
the strong shall live and the weak shall die.
To err is human,
and to forgive is divine.
Peace cannot be keep by force,
it only can be achieve by understanding.
That is the true peace we all wanted,
but the society doesn't work out like this,
is the human nature to be competitive.
To pursuit my dream,
I try google for answer but didn't found them.
I search youtube but all non-sense coming out.
Yet something inside me doesn't wants to give up now,
still hoping to taste the sweet dream I have.
Should I give up my dream now?
As I as myself.
I have a clear answer just for this question.
The answer is definitely:
NO !! Not over my dead body !!
I'll keep on believing and chasing after my dream,
until one day my body is rotten or my dream achieve.
For those who battle with the society,
and almost giving up your dream,
read this and get up !!
Put courage in our heart !!!
Put hope in our own miracle and dream !!
Chase after tomorrow !!
Lets GO !!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Pain of One's Dream

Living in this world,
we cannot truly relax.
Even we lying down,
we will keep thinking about our problem,
thinking about how or what we do for tomorrow...
"Work hard toward your dream.
Tada sore dakede!! (That's all to it!!)
No matter the result."
That's the word I heard one day
and started to think deeply about it.
I remember that time I was ending my education,
and I thought I should think clearly about my future,
about what I want !
Trying hard to reach my dream,
realize that dream is something we think we can hold close,
but in fact is far.
Dream always seem so close and yet far to reach...
True that dream is not easy to reach,
there is lots of obstacle,
time, quietness, pain, darkness...
They all come in different ways and hitting hard when you are down.
Sometime I wanted to give up,
but thinking how I will regret after this,
I choose to press on...
The pursuit and taking step toward dream is hard,
but the hardest part is...
when no one understand it,
and no one supported u.
[FAMILY] They keep on asking and pressure you to take the step you didn't want to take;
step that they think is the best for you.
They care more about your future than your feeling.
It's a rough world.
Sometime, I kinda envy those people living in this world.
the world is choke full with problem and they still live on everyday.
Why are we born? and what we born to do?
The answer is always on our heart,
but it is the hardest to find.
Laugh or cry, it's for us to decide.
By: Takama Raigin (a.k.a: yin)
Friday, November 19, 2010
~A Paint to Remember~

When I was young,
I saw other people beating someone,
from that day I swear to myself,
I don't believe in such thing as love that cannot be seen.
Human will not understand each other,
that what I have been thinking.
The sunshine that shine above the sky,
one strike, one strike,
like striking pain in my heart.
I wanted to shout out load and curse on the wind,
so they can bring it away.
But no ones heard my shouting,
nor the wind is carrying it away.
When I was small,
my teacher asked us to paint the colour of the sky.
But the sky I saw was always gloomy,
so I painted the sky in dark blue and black.
My teacher keep saying that this is not the colour of the sky,
it suppose to be light blue and white.
That time, I didn't understand why or what its means.
Until now, the sky I look is still gloomy.
Human never change, history always repeated.
But the sky is a bit different from before.
They are not all dark blue and black.
I see a little of light blue and white too,
even that they are little and hard to notice.
Yeah, that's right, I see HOPE !!
Even the world we in are full with darkness,
they are still some people,
a small handfull of people,
trying to change it to light.
Those effort are little,
and they are struggle to stay,
they may been washed away by the darkness,
but as long as one small light stand,
there is always hope.
I started to realize why teacher are teaching children,
to paint the sky in light blue or white,
rather than dark blue or black.
They are planting something in those children,
a seed, a hope,
that someday may become a tree.
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